On tour

12:15 PM / Posted by Marcus / comments (0)

A fost liniste si am iubit mult ... cat timp nu am scris ;-)

1. Inca mai iubesc si iubesc cu-adevarat. Nu vreau sa scriu acum, poate intr-un post viitor. Oricum e bine, linistea si calmul sunt iarasi cu mine :) Am gasit pe cineva care ma intelege si totul este perfect impreuna.

2. Maine sunt de dimineata la Valencia, intr-o vacanta de o saptamana. Asa ca este putin probabil ca sa postez ceva pe blog pana saptamana viitoare :) Am reusit sa planific totul pentru toata saptamana in spania: cu monumente de vizitat, localuri de degustat bucataria valenciana. Am fost ajutat bineinteles si ii multumesc pentru asta lui Pilly.

3. Tot maine seara vom merge in discoteca Estudio si sper sa ajung sa mananc orxata con fartons la Daniel.

4. Vineri sunt la niste prieteni in Porto iar luni ma intorc la Valencia.

5. Marti ajung in sfarsit acasa la Horsens pentru ca incepe sesiunea. si EURO, nu?

Tuturor celor care plecati in vacanta vara asta, sa va distrati si sa veniti numai cu amintiri frumoase. Iar celor care sustin licenta, bacul sau carnetul de sofer, multa bafta! Va tin pumnii :)


Quote of the day

2:16 PM / Posted by Marcus / comments (0)

Sunt unele lucruri in care nu e bine sa te perfectionezi.

Datul telefoanelor de organizare, iubirea neconditionata, spalatul vaselor, stranutul, conversatiile pe mess cu necunoscuti, saritul intr-un picior, replicile de agatat, mancatul chipsurilor, cautarea pe youtube, zambetul, privitul pe gaura cheii, tastatul in viteza, exercitiile de gramatica.

si, cel mai important: uitarea.


The fear she won't feel

10:28 AM / Posted by Marcus / comments (0)

I’m always afraid when I meet someone I like. In a romantic way. I’m always scared that it will end up badly, but that doesn’t stop me from caring.

I mean I’m terrified. I admit it. Every time I’ve tried before, I ended up getting hurt. But I still try. And I put my feelings on the table. Being vulnerable is as fun as staying naked in the cold. Someone might give you a blanked and hug you… or not.

I used to talk about fear a lot. With R. We probably talked about fear more than others would talk about movies, music and weather.

I think it was our favorite subject. We used to say that fear is our friend and that being afraid is very normal.

We were afraid. And we liked it. It was a feeling, our feeling, just like love is our feeling, or hate, or jealousy.

I like my fear now. I got used to it, it’s a cool roommate for my other feelings. My fear doesn’t mess with my love.

It’s like Joshua Radin says:

And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could
Can’t get my mind off of you
I know you’re scared that I’ll soon be over it
That’s part of it all
Part of the beauty of falling in love with you is the fear you won’t fall

True, isn’t it? It’s really scary to let someone get close to you.

But that shouldn’t stop us from trying. I’ll keep trying.

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Hateable like me

8:16 PM / Posted by Marcus / comments (0)

You can hate a person just by looking at her/him: the hair, the smile, the look, the clothes. Anything can trigger negative feelings. You just have to go with that flow and any proof that person is not horrible will have no influence on you.

I don’t know if we could say a good thing about every person we’ve met so far, maybe they haven’t impressed us in a positive way, but we can most certainly bitch about all of them. There must have been something to annoy us at one point. It’s only human! For every nice gesture and person who smiled thanks to you, there is an unhappy person, someone who feels neglected or discriminated against.

It’s human to be annoyed, but above that, I think it’s human to be hateable (being available for hate).

We are hateable with every gesture, every choice we make and tear we drop. Because all these are movements on a map filled with people and, inevitably, when we go one way we get closer to some and estrange from others. We are, in essence, controversial.

Some are more controversial than others, true. It depends on how far we move from the center of the map or, in other words, how extremist we are. And how much we show of our personality we show to others. But still, we are always lovable to some and hateable to others.

That’s the breakthrough. We’re both good and evil, pleasant and repulsive, smart and stupid. It only depends on where we’re standing when we’re judging. There is no black and white. And that’s why the big picture is important: we need to see the balance between the smiles and the tears someone provokes. And the reasons. The intentions. The more information we have, the better we see the tone of gray.

Anyway, we are hateable. That’s our most human trait. Every person stands for the things another one hates. That’s life.


Be positive

1:27 PM / Posted by Marcus / comments (0)

I remember since my first schooling days, my dad always said “think positive”. But at that time, I just said a blind ‘yes’ without really any thought about it. But as time passes, it is no doubt that keeping a positive mind, and hence a positive though, will help you with good constructive and creative energy, will and motivation in whatever you do.

But to sustain positive thinking, is not always a simple task considering the pace with which life is going on. But once again, as my dad says, if you train yourself to think positive, you will find it as a faithful friend in your journey.

To be more positive you can:

Act positive, think positive, smile positve, speak positive, perceive positive, dream positive, and then you would automatically become more positive.

It changed my life!



1:03 PM / Posted by Marcus / comments (0)

Nu am scris de mult.

Ia loc te rog, uite aici ca e liber, asa, aseaza-te comod, sa ne cinstim si noi acum de 1 Mai, ca dupa-aia, cine stie cand mai apucam. Inca nu am chemat ospatarul ... azi o sa iau un vin rosu, tu ... Bergenbier? Silva? Ciuc? Ursus? Timisoreana? In fine, te hotarasti, pana vine ospatarul, nu-i bai...

Intre timp am lucrat o gramada pentru scoala, am citit mult. Am o MARE grija cu scoala semestrul acesta. Invat personal development si economie cum n-am mai invatat in 2 ani. E acolo un profesor grozav, care stie ce spune, Peter Friis. Tot respectul pentru dansul.

De Pasti am avut virus in calculator si n-am reusit sa urez "Sarbatori Fericite" apropiatilor, si nici sa scriu pe blog. Trei zile am lucrat sa reinstalez windows iar acum am vista. Imi place interfata dar e mult prea securizat. Sarbatorile le-am petrecut inconjurat de prieteni din romania, adica acasa de la mine din Arad :) A fost bine si am ras muuuult

Weekendul trecut am fost la international day+night! Oameni buni, m-am simtit grozav! Nu ma omor dupa mancare, dar pe cuvant ca mi-a placut, mai ales seara in club.

Si am facut si asta, aici, de care sunt mandru.
